Thursday, May 10, 2012

When the gummy bears turn evil

via The Fancy
Just how cuddly they all seem to appear. Everyone and everything has got to have their other side, like inevitably. By other side I mean, the bad side.

I was quite feeling jumpy about yesterday's festivities. Kevin's 17th birthday and our 1st year wedding anniversary. I was all positive vibes, feeling so much blessed. It has always been uplifting for me every time I hear mass. I brought Zachary with me since Jef was out for work. Just like how Fr. Peter's homily went, with prayers come grace. And I heard myself murmur a heartfelt prayer for our family, our marriage and everyday providence, banged by a huge amen to close it. I saw Zachary throw me an inquisitive glance.

Dinner got us full. The Savory chicken really closed the deal. Very tasty! Should be a staple for family dinner na! Zachary could only munch on a bit of bacon, ham and cheese pizza, more of the crust though. But nonetheless I saw him munching with joy like it's the most delicious treat in the whole, wide world. And, and, how can I forget. Double dutch ice cream was a welcome addition! My baby boy's taste buds were introduced to the dessert's tingly feel.

I see Zachary's eyes going googly. I had to put him to sleep. And there he was, rolling over every pillow there was to find his most comfortable position , holding his milk bottle as if somebody's going to grab it away from him.

That was the time I hit the net. And barely an hour, sleep was trying to knock me down. It's just that I felt so full, I thought I couldn't sleep just yet. A glass of soda did not help either. Made me feel even more jumpy. But I had to force it down. I had to hibernate. It was eleven. And Zachary could be awake anytime between 2 or 3 in the wee morning, I should have the energy to attend to him. I thought to myself.

Coming to office today, I ought to be feeling good. I was actually. I walked Zachary early morning, bonded with my son in breakfast. I thought everything was nice.

I was feeling gazillion of good vibes until an unnecessary comment.

Well, yes, so what?

Doesn't mean that if I opt to share you things about personal matters you can bust me with your lame ideas. Doesn't have to mean that if I was all out venting the other time I cannot go tamely-sweety now. Like excuse me! Maybe you have yet to know me, like really KNOW me.

I could tear someone down with the crisps of my words, but I can be hushed down if I get what I really want. Oh yes, like a brat. So what?

Indeed, gummy bears can turn to evil. Like how you seem to me, surprisingly.          

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