Saturday, July 31, 2010

Racing Friday

Despite today’s sluggishness, my thoughts are so squeezed up.  Talk about racing FAST.

First, on SMB’s game later today; one win away from another crack at the title. Hoping that the team can keep their tenacity and collar all the rebounds they could crash. And of course, hold up that pesky defense against a defensive team like that of BMEG. Goodness gracious, can they finally decide to bring their old name back? Could be the jinx after all.

Next, the INEVITABILITY of things repeating itself. And I just have to admit, that was sort of CUTE. And yes, maybe, that doesn’t sound new, but then it could have meant a LOT MORE this time. Sounds GOOD to me.

Lastly, the thought of the weekend ahead. Off from anything work-related. FINALLY.

Jef and I have been busy the past week, we had to be content with a swift Friday night hang out at home. But that was all nice; sufficed my whole week!  Tomorrow’s got to be fun.

Just when I thought I had so much in my head, well, there was only a few pala. I think the last thing’s hovering so much, making me jumpy. That part I’m excited much about.

Er. And there goes my heart again, racing a beat.

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