Thursday, May 06, 2010

Parallel lines

If there’s one thing I could never be so tired of bragging about—that would be me bagging best in Math honors in prep school.

Yes, I know, that’s close to ancient, but its memories, always sweet.

[caption id="attachment_61" align="alignright" width="271" caption="parallel lines: two lines that will never meet. ouch!"][/caption]

And I had to wonder so bad why I went bananas in Differential Calculus in college. I know that’s a major shift—I mean from 1 + 1 to derivatives of all sort. Kaloka. Cart Wheel na lang kaya. But heavens favored me, I slipped in. Haha! Nevertheless, the mere thought of it never fails to tickle my senses.

Its inevitability could have been the reason why I am where I am now. I mean, it’s basic. Not even close to any theorem in Calculus. And that’s kind of bending towards my way.

My fondness towards it traces a stern groundwork, could have been sterner than that of writing—but their fusion, it could almost always be a good kind of mix.

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